Sunday, March 25, 2007

CMC - Day Eighteen

I'm afraid to say that the most interesting patient i've seen today is...ME! I haven' t the energy to string this into a story about an Indian romance gone wrong, but I had a rather unfriendly encounter with a beautiful young painted horse. I came away with a bruised ego and something like a love bite on the shoulder. The police officer standing by warned that i should get "a shot" or face a fever. Having not broken the skin, and having been up to date on my tetanus, and unawares about any Indian equine fevers, i ignored his advice. I woke up this morning without a fever but not feeling well otherwise. The doctor in the emergency room, to which i was sent by are slightly overprotective hostel manager, said he thinks i probably have a viral illness - feels like flu - that was already on its way. He gave me some antibiotics to prevent a skin-infection where the horse bit me. He also told me to call him at home if it got worse. I'm going to try to be a good patient.

In case anybody (read Mom) is concerned, i'm in the best place possible to be sick in India. I'm surrounded by talented physicians trained all around the world and the best facilities this side of the Kaveri river.

I was supposed to spend the day with CHAD nurses visiting villages. Perhaps i'll have something to write about that on Friday.

I won't write much more than this: health is something we too often take for granted.

I'm going to lie down.


ps. The temple in Vellore's impressive fort, outside of which i was bitten, houses some of the most impressive and intact temple carvings i've ever seen. Highly recommended to those who might otherwise skip over Vellore.

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